Monday, October 26, 2015

Biking to work

Last week, during a monthly lunch and learn, I gave a talk on bicycling to work.  I have been riding to work once a week for a few months now and this was my attempt to get some of my coworkers to join in on the fun.  Aside from multiple health benefits, I have found that when I ride I arrive at work much happier and better prepared to tackle the day, than on days when I commute via car.  During the talk I shared various tips on bike commuting and on how to go about mapping a bike-friendly route from one's home to work.  Using and Google's Bicycling and Street View data I have been able to map out a relatively safe route from my home in Hilliard to my current work in Easton, Ohio.  The route is rather long (around 29 miles) so I have only been doing it once a week.  Below are the slides from the talk.  If you have any good bike commuting tips to share, I would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm also trying to advocate people riding to work but ensuring they are mapping a bike-friendly route.